Chinese Medicine, which incorporates acupuncture, herbal and nutritional therapy, cupping and moxibustion, is the oldest documented medical system in the world. The foundation of this 5,000-year-old healing tradition is the idea that an energy force called Qi (pronounced "chee") runs throughout the body. A person's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health are tied to the delicate balance and flow of Qi. If this flow is insufficient, unbalanced or interrupted due to stress, injury, overexertion, improper eating or any other reason, illness and pain may result. Chinese Medicine seeks to restore and maintain this balance.
Chinese Medicine also stresses preventive care --finding ways to stay healthy so that disease doesn't occur. Through careful observation by both patient and practitioner, signs of deviation from the body's normal state of balance are detected and corrected early, before they result in serious health problems.