Zoe Cohen L.Ac. 
Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

My Philosophy

I see each patient as an individual with unique needs and goals that are constantly changing. No one treatment plan is suited to all patients, even those who have similar ailments.

My approach is realistic as well. For example, I often ask patients to make easily attainable lifestyle changes, such as incorporating deep breathing or stretching, or starting a gentle walking or yoga program. The changes I suggest are always practical, undaunting and compatible with the person's goals and temperament.

Treating the whole person is my first priority. Many patients come to me frustrated after having spent months or even years seeing different doctors, each of whom treated a different ailment, symptom or body part. I frequently see profound relief on my patients' faces when they report a slew of "unrelated" ailments, and I tell them that many (if not all) of their complaints fit into a clear-cut and treatable pattern in Chinese Medicine. Often this is an important turning point in their health.

I don't subscribe to strict belief systems related to lifestyle and diet. Instead, I try to meet my patients where they are and help facilitate, rather than impose, positive changes. Many patients have come to me complaining that other practitioners put them on highly restrictive and complicated diets to which they were unable to adhere, so they gave up. To me, this approach is neither realistic nor helpful.

I do look at patients' diet and lifestyle, explain the impact their choices may be having on their health and recommend modifications when appropriate. But I do not believe in dogmatic approaches, such as insisting that everyone avoid coffee.

Because I view patients as active participants in their healing process rather than passive recipients of treatment, I carefully observe and listen to them for as long as necessary before coming up with a treatment strategy. I also welcome as much active involvement on their part as they are comfortable with.

Over the years I've noticed that once patients begin to feel better, they usually gravitate naturally toward healthy, appropriate lifestyle choices. In this way, positive change happens "organically" rather than being imposed from the outside.